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Daily Devotional

Strengthen with the Mouth

Monday, May 29, 2023

Scripture: But I would strengthen you with my mouth, And the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief. Job 16:5 (NKJV)

Observation: Job had lost all his property, but what hurt him most was the loss of his children.  Ultimately he was struck with some skin disease and with the discouraging words of his own wife.  To add insult to injury, his friends, who came to encourage him, used words that were more like accusations and a call to repentance.

The words of today’s text are in response to Eliphaz’ boasted “consolations” (Job 15:11). Job would have like words that would strengthen him, words spoken from the hear, with love, words that would bring true consolation.   The text could be paraphrased: “Like you, I could also strengthen with the mouth, with heartless talk and the moving of my lips – mere lip comfort could console in the same fashion as you do.”

Application: I know that for the most part people have good intentions when they say some things.  I have heard people say things, particularly at funerals or to bereaved families that make me cringe.  Probably the most commonly used are the words “I know how you feel!”  By that they mean, “I have also experienced pain, so I know what your pain is like.  The reality is that no one can possibly know the pain we feel because pain is a very personal experience.  Just because I lost my father or mother I can’t tell someone else whose father or mother has just dies that I know how they feel.

Have you heard someone say to a parent whose child has died, “well, at least you have other children”?  Or, “You can have more children”?  Or have your heard someone tell a person whose relationship has ended, “There are plenty more fish on the ocean!”  Our careless words, intended to bring consolation, may sometimes do more harm that they can help.

In dealing with people who have experienced great loss, your presence is often more helpful than any words you may say.  Later, after the funeral, when you visit those who are still going through the process of recovery from grief, let them talk about their loved one.  In fact, encourage such conversation by asking about their loved ones – their favorite memories, etc.  After six to twelve months, friends and family go back to their own life and routine and inadvertently leave those grieving alone.  It is at those times that your presence and encouraging them to express their feelings and to talk about their loved ones can become one of the most helpful tools for healing.

A Prayer You May Say: Father, help us to become instruments of healing through our presence and through our heartfelt words.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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