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Daily Devotional

New Every Morning

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Scripture: “It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. ~ (Lamentations 3:22, 23, the Bible KJV)

Observation: The word is correctly translated as plural. It conveys several related ideas: covenant love, grace, goodness, kindness, compassion; each one of these connotations can be expressed with other words. compassions. Another plural word that expresses a deep feeling of empathy. It is connected to the word “womb” when it is related to a mother’s deep attachment to her child. The whole verse can literally be translated as follows: “The kindnesses of the Lord never cease; His compassion (feelings of solidarity) never fails.” (Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.)

Application: All we have to do is stop for a moment and think about what he have done so far this day that deserves divine punishment.  Sometimes even early in the morning our thoughts or careless actions toward the people closest to us deserve condemnation.  If couples would stop to think about all those times they, as individuals, have been selfish, rude and unkind, stubborn and proud, and expressed words or displayed behaviors that we would be ashamed of, or at the very least embarrassed, if we were aware that angels, and even God, are our witness.  How much sorrow those thoughts, words, or actions must bring to the Holy One, and if only His justice reigned we would certainly be wiped off the face the universe.  But God’s justice is always balanced with His mercy and His grace.  Eugene Peterson in his paraphrase “The Message” states the words of our passage, “GOD's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!”

We are truly blessed.  Our marriage remains intact in spite of what we have done to each other.  Our family is still together even though we have not been a good reflection of God’s love.  And the reason we’re still together and have a marriage and a family is because God’s mercies are abundant and never cease.  Pause right now to thank God for His mercies toward you, toward your marriage, toward your family.  And then ask Him to help you display the same mercy toward those closest to you so that your marriage and your family may be a tru reflection of what he is to you every morning and every day.

A Prayer You May Say: Father God, thank You that Your mercies, your compassions are new every morning.  Thank You for your faithfulness to us, even when we have not been faithful to you.  Help us to be more merciful and compassionate toward those closest to us.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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