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Daily Devotional

The Head of the Household

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Scripture: Then you shall say to the master of the house, 'The Teacher says to you, "Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?" ' Luke 22:11 (NKJV)

Observation: Anyone with a two-story home, the second of which contained a “large” upper room, would be considered well-to-do. This family presumably resided in the Upper City of Jerusalem, near the temple, rather than the poorer Lower City, downwind of Jerusalem’s sewage. Because the Passover had to be eaten within Jerusalem’s walls, most homes would be crowded with guests; but the accommodations for Jesus’ last meal with his disciples would be quite adequate.

Application: I find the rendition of the New King James here interesting where it calls the head of the household the “master of the house.”  The New Testament has much to say about the responsibility of the husband, or the head of the household; just a sample will suffice for now:  Peter calls upon the head-of the home, who has this incredibly important role and God-given power, to be "considerate" and "treat [family members] with respect" (1 Peter 3:7).  Colossians 3:19 states an important principle of leadership when it admonishes, "Husbands do not be harsh with your wives."

Now, as I consider today’s text, I imagine that it was no accident why Jesus chose this man’s home for the last meal He would have with His disciples before His death.  I’m sure it was not because it was a luxurious, spacious room – Jesus was never looking for the comfort or prominence that the Jewish leadership were accustomed to.  I have the feeling that this man exemplified what the spiritual head-of-the house should be like.
1. He was so much in touch with God than when Jesus’ disciples brought His request he did not question it but gladly accepted it. This is evident in the way the question is made, “Where is the room. . .?”  Jesus didn’t ask him, “do you have a room?”, or “is there a room?”, or “would you be willing to make a room available?”  Jesus’ question was very direct and specific: “Where is THE room...?”
2. He was generous in his response to God.  When they met the man he didn’t ask for any remuneration but gladly showed them to the room.
3. He had already made a certain amount of preparation.  Luke’s account continues: “Then he will show you a large, furnished upper room. . .” Luke 22:12 (NKJV).  The room was already furnished so that the preparation the disciples had to make was mostly about the emblems – water, food, bread, grape juice.

As head of the household, we have a tremendous amount of influence in the lives of those inside our home.  Our decisions, actions, words, and attitude will help them to have a good, positive experience with God or come to reject Him.  Let us pray today that we will open our home for Jesus to come in, to feel comfortable inside, and to eat with us and our family.

A Prayer You May Say: Father God, bless us, as heads of our households, that our lives and example be such that those in our home may come to love you and serve you.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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